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Simple Search for VAT Rates

GET https://vat-rates.com/api/search

ccslist of comma separated 2 character country codesccs=GB,EL,XI
dateiso-formatted date for which the VAT rate situation is querieddate=2023-01-17
searchTermthe term that is matched against CN, CPA codes, categories and commentssearchTerm=chocolate

Advanced Search for VAT Rates

GET https://vat-rates.com/api/searchAdvanced

ccslist of comma separated 2 character country codesccs=GB,EL,XI
dateiso-formatted date for which the VAT rate situation is querieddate=2023-01-17
categorieslist of comma separated ids of categoires as specified by article 98 and 103 of the Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 Novemebr 2006, full table can be found herecategories=250|288
cnCodeslist of comma separated CN CodescnCodes=4901|4904 00 00|49
cpaCodeslist of comma separated CPA CodescpaCodes=58.11.1|58.11|58
fuzzyCorrespondenceboolean value whether to resolve correspondence between CPA and CN codes fuzzier than the data sourcefuzzyCorrespondence=true

Search for CN or CPA Codes

GET https://vat-rates.com/api/codes/[cn|cpa|categories|noneu|all]

searchsearch stringsearch=choco
languageeither en or delanguage=de